Κάμαλα εναντίον Ντόναλντ / Τράμπ εναντίον Χάρρις
Επιλέξτε τον/την Πρόεδρο της καρδιάς σας
ISBN: 978-618-5885-02-1
Εκδόσεις Ελλωδία, Αθήνα, 9/2024
1η έκδ. || Νέα
Γλώσσα: Ελληνική, Νέα
Ενιαία τιμή έως 19/3/2026
€ 20.00 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Βιβλίο, Χαρτόδετο
400 σελ.
What is decided about the future of the USA
in the presidential elections of November 5,
They close exactly from this day of April 30,
1789, when the first President of the USA
George Washington swore the sacred oath of
the American President 235 years, 6 months
and 4 days. Symbolic oath short and at the
same time comprehensive:  (...) do solemnly
swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully
execute the office of President of the United
States, and will do it to the best of my ability,
to preserve, protect, and defend the
Constitution of the United States, (God help
46 Presidents took this oath in front of
millions of American citizens, preserving it as
the apple of the eye of a superpower
militarily the largest on the planet, which
makes each president and planet ruler. A
symbolic term that demonstrates the
important role that the top leader of the
country undertakes to play in global events
concerning security and peace at the global
level. But at the same time, the role is decisive
for the internal order and well-being of the
337 million American citizens today.
Tomorrow's president is consistently called
upon to respect the constitution and the
democratic freedoms it imposes, to keep
intact the quality of democracy in the country
and to work for the equality of American
citizens at all social, economic and political
levels . It is well known that the contrasts at
these levels are enormous. It may be that in
the two previous centuries the USA in the
eyes of the poor and downtrodden peoples of
the earth seemed like a true land of promise.
It may be that millions of people flocked as
emigrants on boats and ships to reach this
land that in their imagination flowed with
honey and milk, but the conditions today
remind us of a tragic deviation that could be
described as a dead land of promise that is a
illusion like a mirage phenomenon of the
oasis in the desert; that the closer one gets to
it, the more it recedes from one's field of
vision. According to an OECD report on
poverty in the US (2018) authored by Philip
Alston, it is found with negative signs that:
“US citizens live shorter lives and experience
more disease than citizens of all rich
democracies, that the higher rates of
incarceration and obesity in the developed
world. At the same time the mortality of
children born to African-American families is
the highest among developed countries and
twice the mortality of Thai children. Also,
that the number of homeless children reaches
1.5 million and is three times higher than
during the Great Depression in the 1930s.
Simply put in practice, the United States is
the only developed country that does not
include in its fundamental human rights
health care, as well as protection from hunger
and from the prevalence of conditions of total
deprivation and therefore it will be called
the next or the next 47th president to deal
with the almost insurmountable problems of
50 million Americans who cannot secure the
basic necessities of life and have nowhere to
turn their heads..

Add: 2024-09-26 14:29:53 - Upd: 2025-01-23 14:20:34