The Metal Chapters Vol. 2
ISBN: 978-960-626-234-0
Εκδόσεις Πηγή, Θεσσαλονίκη, 8/2020
€ 9.99 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Ebook, EPUB
346 σελ.
Ελληνική, Νέα (γλώσσα πρωτοτύπου)

Literature and metal music cross roads once again resulting into something phantasmagorical. Stories hidden inside song lyrics are written on paper, while authors’ short stories are imprinted on the musical stave. Marios Dimitriadis and George Damtsios contacted ten well-known metal bands and, after prior consultation with them, wrote short stories based on the lyrics of their favorite songs. Roger Rovento of Xelyruth respectively contacted five famous authors and composed music based on their short stories. The book includes fifteen short stories in total, as well as the lyrics that go with them. You can find the five Xelyruth compositions through the link at the end of the book.